Nottinghamshire School Excels at London Chess Classic

A Nottinghamshire school team recently competed with great success at the London Chess Classic event in London, held in early December. A team from Pierrepont Gamston school played against schools from London and the South-East and came second overall, missing out on the gold medal by a fraction of a team point. The tournament was organised by Chess in Schools […]

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Future Events

The latest edition of the Junior Newsletter is now available on the Juniors page. It includes details of several upcoming events suitable for Juniors. We are also looking for views on the format for our County Championship later this year. Please take a look on the competitions page

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The East Midlands Regional Final will be held at Nottingham High School on Saturday, May 21st. There are numerous age-group sections from under 20 down to under 8. Each will be five rounds of Rapidplay (25 mins + 10 sec/move) starting at 10:00 and finishing 17:45. Entry Fee £15. The top boy and the top girl in each age category […]

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Nail-biter in NG9

On 26th February, our Notts u1450 juniors hosted Leicestershire u1450 for a winner takes all clash at Bramcote. A good natured and well fought match, prefaced with Leicestershire’s captain and a couple of their players kindly helping us with setting up some of the tables and boards. As the match started, it quickly looked like a lot of the games […]

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