Rules Revision Meeting 20th May 2024

The annual rules and revision meeting will take place at 7:30pm on the 20th May at The Wolds pub, W Bridgford. Attached are the proposals for the meeting. Votes during this meeting are on the basis of one vote per club plus one vote for each team participating in the NCA league this season. RRM Proposals 2024.pdf

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33rd Nottingham Rapidplay

Capacity has now been reached. We are pleased to announce our that our annual Rapidplay will take place on Sunday, February 4th 2024 at our usual venue, Nottingham High School, starting at 10:00 am. This will be a 6 round Swiss system event, with five ECF rated sections. The basic entry fees are £20 for Adults and £15 for Juniors, whilst […]

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County Teams Update

During the Coronavirus restrictions there have been no “over the board” county matches and there was little support for playing online team events.

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